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Room 1



Our Bed and Breakfast is located in the heart of the Muggio Valley, in Via dei Portici 7 CH-6838 Muggio – Breggia. You can easily reach it with public transportations or by car (free parking).

From Lugano – 40 minutes

From Lugano Railway take the S 10 train to Chiasso and get off at Mendrisio station.

From Mendrisio take AutoPostale B 513 75 Chiasso, Via Volta, get off at Morbio Superiore, change to AutoPostale B 515 227 Muggio, Paese and you will reach your destination.

Check the AutoPostale timetables on the official website.

From Chiasso – 20 minutes

From Chiasso Railway take the AutoPostale B 5 to Chiasso, Morbio Inferiore, Sta. Lucia and change to AutoPostale B 515 227 Muggio, Paese and you will reach your destination.

Check the AutoPostale timetables on the official website.

From Mendrisio – 20 minutes

From Mendrisio Railway take the l’AutoPostale B 513 75 to Chiasso, Via Volta get off at Morbio Superiore and change to l’AutoPostale B 515 227 Muggio, Paese and you will reach your destination.

Check the AutoPostale timetables on the official website.

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